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Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Easiest Way to Root ASUS ZenFone 6 Lollipop

ASUS ZenFone 6 -

If you have updated your ASUS ZenFone 6 to Lollipop, then you have no longer root access on your phone. To gain it back, you need to root your device once again. Follow the tutorial from Tutorial Elex to root your ASUS ZenFone 6 Lollipop.

1. You will lose your guarantee once you root ASUS ZenFone 6.
2. Do it on your own risk. 
Before performing root to your ASUS Zenfone 6, you need to prepare some tools:
  1. Intel USB Driver for Android devices (Download here)
  2. ZenfoneRootKit (Download here) or Mirror Thanks to Shakalaca
  3. ASUS Driver (Download here)

The Easiest Way to Root ASUS ZenFone 6 Lollipop 


root asus zenfone 6

  1. Enable USB Debugging on your ASUS Zenfone 6. Follow the tutorial here if you haven't done this before.
  2. Extract and install Intel USB Driver for Android devices.
  3. Connect your phone using the USB cable to your computer.
  4. Extract ZenfoneRootKit to get Root.bat file.
  5. Run Root.bat to root your ASUS ZenFone 6.
  6. Wait until it finished.
  7. Search for SuperSU app on your ASUS ZenFone 6. Once you have this app, your device have successfully rooted. 
  8. Congratulation!

How to Unroot ASUS ZenFone 6 Lollipop

If in any case you need to unroot your ASUS ZenFone 6, you can follow the steps below:

Super User -

  1. First, open the SuperUS app on your ASUS ZenFone 6.
  2. Go to Settings on the right top.
  3. Slide down and search for Full unroot in the CLEANUP menu.
  4. Now you've done unrooting your ASUS ZenFone 6.

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