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Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to Delete iMessage Conversation on Mac

Using iMessage on your Mac is more convenient than on your iPhone since you have a bigger screen. But how if you want to delete the conversation on the iMessage without losing the contact or email from the sender? You can follow the tips below from OS X Daily

How to Delete iMessage Conversation on Mac

There are two steps to delete the iMessage conversation on your Mac: from the chatting window and from menu bar on OS X and shortcut.

1. From Window Chat
image by makemac
Open a message on the left side of iMessage. Swipe the cursor to the right of the screen and right-click > Clean Chat History and a window will appear. Click Clear if you want to clear the conversation.
image by makemac

After you tap the Clear button, the received and sent messages will be removed. The difference between this feature and Delete Conversation feature is that you still have the sender contact.

2. Via Menu bar and Shortcut
image by makemac
The second step is much more easier to do. All you need is enable the iMessage on your OS X and go to Edit > Clear Transcript on the Menu bar. And for the shortcut, press cmd + opt + k.  A notification window will appear and you can tap Clear to clean the conversation.

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